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Potato Varieties

‘Elkton’ – 2014. A New Potato Variety with Resistance to Internal Heat Necrosis and Hollow Heart and Suitable for Chipping Directly from the Field in the Southern United States by the USDA-ARS in cooperation with University of Florida, Pennsylvania State University, NC State, Rutgers, Cornell University and the University of Maine.

‘Peter Wilcox’ – 2007. A specialty table type with purple skin and yellow flesh released by the USDA-ARS in cooperation with NC State, VA Tech, Rutgers, Pennsylvania State University, Ohio State Uiversity, University of Florida, University of Maine, and Cornell University

‘Harley Blackwell’ – 2003. A round white chip and tablestock potato released by the USDA-ARS in cooperation with NC State, VA Tech, Rutgers, Pennsylvania State University, University of Florida, University of Maine, and Cornell University

‘Amey’ – 2001. A specialty russet potato released by the USDA-ARS in cooperation with the University of Maine, Pennsylvania State University, Cornell University, Rutgers, VA Tech, and NC State.